Cookie Resources for Volunteers | Girl Scouts
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Cookie Booth Marketing Poster

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FREE Cookies for a Year Promotion at Booth Sale Poster (copy for front of the booth)

FREE Cookies for a Year Promotion at Booth Sale Poster (copy for behind the booth)

Suggested Copy:

Fun, Friends, and Making a Difference! When you buy cookies at our Cookie Booth,
you are helping girls learn new skills, go on big adventures, and make a difference for others. Visit our booth, stock up, and support Girl Scout entrepreneurs.
(insert all your booth details.. time, date, place)

Suggested Copy:

Good news alert! Girl Scout Cookie Booth Season is Here!!
Visit our booth and stock up on all your faves.
(insert all your booth details… time, date, place)

Suggested Copy:

Happy Birthday, Girl Scouts! We celebrate with COOKIES!! As a BIG THANK YOU to our AWESOME cookie customers, we are offering one last FREE SHIPPING Day on March 12.  Just purchase 4+ packages, and your order will be sent to you with NO SHIPPING COST! (there is a $5 surcharge if shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, etc.). Just use my cookie link:    (enter your Girl Scout’s Digital Cookie link) to get your final packages of the season. Thanks for supporting my Girl Scout Cookie Business!

Suggested Copy:

Always be PREPARED for a snacking emergency!
We have all your favorites at our Girl Scout Cookie Booth.
(insert all your booth details… time, date, place)

Suggested Copy:

Don’t want to eat ‘em? Then TREAT  ‘em! You can support my cookie business by purchasing a package or more for Cookie Share.

Our Cookie Share packages are gifted to the USO, Convey of Hope, Harvesters and first responder heroes across our region. (be sure to add more details about your goals and include your link to purchase)

Suggested Copy:

Help us give a SWEET GOODBYE to the Toast-Yay! This is the last year for this French Toast inspired cookie. Don’t miss your chance to stock up—whether it’s a box, two, or a whole case (we won’t judge)! (insert more details about your cookie goals and sales link)

Suggested Copy:

It’s the LAST CHANCE to fill your freezer until next year!
Stock up at our Girl Scout Cookie Booth before time runs out.
(insert all your booth details… time, date, place)